
We are aware that some features/ pages are missing or not working as expected, you are still able to book onto events as expected but it might be slower and take longer to respond. In the event an order doesn’t go through, please use the contact page. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Getting back together

Updated Saturday 29th January 2022.


Scouting plays a vital role in our local community, and communities throughout the world.

Our team can’t wait to jump back into Scouting; however, the safety of all our members is paramount.

We will keep you informed on our website and via our social media pages; however, feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Scouting in the UK is currently in green.


The Readiness Level

Working with the National Youth Agency, the Scouts have put together a framework which outlines how we can get back together safely.


Readiness level: GREEN

This means: All activities can resume for members who live in England. Residential activities and international travel may take place.  

Group sizes and limitations: 

  • All non-residential activities (including young people or Scout Network members): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place.
  • Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, 

Ensuring our records are up to date

We need to ensure that we have the correct details for all of our members in case we need to contact you in the event of one of our members, or their bubbles have been contacted by Track and Trace, or have a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.

Please use our parent portal to confirm that the details we hold are correct.
If you don’t have access to the Parent Portal – please ask your leader to set you up an account.

Confirm that details of your young person are correct


Your young person must not attend

  • if they have any COVID-19 symptoms
  • if they’ve been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed COVID-19 and NHS track and trace have asked you to self isolate.

You must let us know

  • whether your household is self-isolating due to a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis
  • If Track and Trace have contacted you and have advised you to self-isolate

We ask that you contact your Leader who will let you know the next steps.

To protect the safety of all our members, we will close the group for a minimum of 10-days if we are advised to by the relevant authorities or the leader feels its necessary for the safety of all our members.

This means that we may have to cancel group meetings at short notice – we will notify you on social media and our website immediately.