
Young Leaders module A

Tesco Community Room Drummond Street, Rotherham, United Kingdom

The essential getting started module for al new Young Leaders or those wanting to do a refresher of their keeping safe training.

Walesby 2024

Walesby Scout Camp Brake Road, Walesby

Following on from last year’s successful joint Explorer and Network event we have once again booked Walesby for our first 24/25 academic year camp.
The plan is the same as last year:

Friday: Arrive on site, set up camp and movie night or chill
Saturday: A choice of activities on a “queue and do” basis, organised by Walesby staff, followed by a campfire and possible optional disco.
Activities last year included: Laser tag, archery. Climbing wall, air rifles, canoeing, rafting, water slide etc.
Sunday: Team challenges

The total cost of the camp is £50.00 for the weekend, which includes food, camp site fees and activities. Booking for this event will close strictly on Thursday 5th September in order for us to complete all out necessary paperwork.

As with all our events we expect a certain reasonable standard of behaviour which will take into account the feelings and wishes of others, particularly of other Explorer and N etwork Scouts. Explorers and Network members attending any events do so on the understanding that they adhere to the following code of conduct.

Activity information form -Walesby 1

Event-code-of-conduct (5)


