Did you know you can now download RESUs calendar right to you on mobile phones calendar, Any changes Will automatically be downloaded to your phone and you will be notified…
Who are we?
Young people aged between 13.5 and 18 who love doing all thing Scouting, from weekly meetings to longer residential events both in the UK and abroad. We cover the whole of the Rotherham District and meet at various locations on various nights
What do we do?
There’s a whole range of activities that you can get involved with alongside normal meeting nights, from archery to zorbing, with guest speakers and visits all aimed towards learning valuable life skills. Why not check out our Gallery to see some of the activities that we have done over the last few years. We offer all members the opportunity to work towards badges and awards and we offer the Duke of Edinburgh scheme at all levels. All of which looks great on your CV.
If you want to learn more please Contact us.